  painting on sale

Original Art Paintings for Sale by artist Linda Paul

Buy original art paintings online directly from artist Linda Paul. From $99.00 to $3500.  free shipping in USA for everything on this site!

Original Art Paintings by artist Linda Paul

Buy original art paintings online directly from artist Linda Paul.  This gallery page features colorful abstract art paintings as well as paintings of flowers, ocean and sailboats, wine, Tuscany Italy, France.  Original art for sale. Free shipping in USA 

Call 303-818-2663 or email us

butterfly  and flower painting for sale
 Blooming for the Butterfly 36" x 36" $899.00 sale price $499.00
city on the bay painting
 City on The Bay 24" x 24" original acrylic painting on canvas $499.00

blue flower art painting
Blue  Bloom original flower painting on canvas 24" x 24" $499.00
hummingbird painting for sale
 Hummingbird original painting
24" x 24" $499.00 w free shipping

pink magenta wall art decor
4 original Magenta paintings  set of 4 50% off $1596.00 for all four each is 30 x 30 

tropical rain forest abstract art painitng
Tropical Rain Forest in the Abstract. Original acrylic on canvas 24" x 36" $799.00

abstract flower dragonfly painting for sale
 Abstract dragonfly and Flower Painting 24 x24" acrylic on canvas $499.00
sunets and seabirds painting
Love and Freedom
 24" x 30" or 30" x 40" acrylic on canvas $499.00 and $599.00

turquoise abstract original painting
 Turquoise Reflections 28" x 28" original painting $799.00

colorado landscape painting
Another Day in The Canyon 16" x 20" acrylic on panel $399.00
sunrise in the Canyon painitng
Sunrise in The Canyon 18" x 36" original painting $299.00
beach wall art of pearls in the sand
 Pearls in The Sand
24" x 24" acrylic painting on canvas
$799.00 sale price $599.00

contemporary beach house painting of pearls and shell
The Blue Pearl
24" x 24" acrylic painting on canvas
$799.00 sale price $599.00
abstract butterfly painitng
10 butterflies abstract painting 24" x 30 on sale $399.00

 contemporary abstract shell painting - blue paintings for sale
Mother of Pearl original egg tempera and acrylic painting. 2 sizes $399.00 or 30" x 40" $1490.00
abstract turqoise panting
 Wild at heart abstract turquoise art painting 16 x 12  $299.00 sale price $199.50
impressionist landscape original painting
Enlightenment acrylic landscape painting 3 sizes 10 x 10, 20 x 20 and 36 x 36  on sale

ocean and beach paintings of waves
Ocean Art Wave Paintings  sizes 24 x 24" $349.50 and 48" x 36" $499.00
abstract whimsical fish painting
One Fish Two Fish, Red Fish Plaid Fish Art Painting on Canvas 24" x 24" x1.5" $499.00 sale price $299.00
fleur de lis framed original art
Fleur de lis Original painting
26" x 26" framed $1199.00
sale $599.50

abstract yellow wall art
 Just bee original painting  17" x 37" $499.00
yellow black white and grey abstract art
Wing abstract Art Painting in Yellow black white and grey 20 x 31 $499.00
western art painting for sale
Anywhere USA 42 x 32 western landscape painting $1200.00
ocean wave painting
Ocean Waves original painting
10" x 10"  $99.00 Sale price $59.00

two peacocks tuscan wall art
Linda's Early Work! Set of two paintings Two peacocks and Flora and Fauna 28" x 28" $1299.00 both
back from the garden egg tempera framed painting

Back from the Garden
25" x 29" $1,490
french impressionist landscape painting
Boules en provence French Painting  25" x 29" $900 

vineyard painting
Angels in The Vines
egg tempera painting
$2490.00 44" x 34" Framed Size
Sale price $1245.00
Italian Pizza Kitchen painting
Italian Pizza Kitchen 35" x 29"
frame in unique mosaic tile frame $1590.00 Sale price $799.00
original painting of grapevines and vineyards
Grapes n' Vines   painting
$3500.00 45" x 35"

Tuscan Painting
Tuscan Village egg tempera painting 44 x 24 sale price $799.00
The Road Less travelled painitng
The Road less Travelled  acrylic painting  on canvas.
  48" x 36" $1500.00
holly hock lane french painting
Hollyhock Lane
egg tempera framed painting
25" x 29" $1450.00 SSale price $725.00

abstract landscape painting of trees
tree painting with metals
18" x 36" $799.00  
waterlilies painting -original art
Water Lilies
36 x 36  x 2 $900.00 Sale price $450.00
Original acrylic mixed media painting
looks like rain original painting
Looks Like Rain 18" x 36" original painting $399.00 (matches The passage)
autum fall leaves original painting
Autumn Leaves 32" x 42" $799.00
original painting

painitng of coffee
  The Art of Coffee 29" x 25" $949.00
pink yellow black and white flower painting 24x24
Floral Dance party original abstract art. different versions and sizes 50% off all sizes
colorful abstract art
Colorblock  abstract art Painting 
12" x 12" acrylic on panel $59.00
Louisiana Kitchen original framed painting
Louisiana Kitchen  25" x 21"
Price: $1490.00  Sale price $745.00

original ballet paintings
Giselle de la Nuit  20" x 24"   $2,150.00 egg tempera original painting
Sale Price $1075.00
ballet  dancer painting
Arianne 13"x17"  $890.00
egg tempera original painting

 Sale Price $599.00
ballet painting for sale
Dance of the Snowflakes
13"x17"   $890.00
egg tempera original painting
Sale Price $599.00
ballet painting in gold frame
Three Dancers  20" x 24"   $1,490.00
egg tempera original painting
nutcraker original ballet painting of 5 dancers on stage
Nutcracker Suite
30.5"  x 26.5" $1490.00
egg tempera original painting

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This gallery page features colorful abstract paintings and contemporary artwork of oceans, sky, landscapes, fish, vineyards, Tuscany. Original art for sale. Free shipping in USA.
artist Linda Paul in studio

Artists Statement"
When asked ‘What is your favorite painting’, I always say, ‘the next one I am going to paint!”

Customer review: Customer Review by Phyllis Plekavic "I just wanted to thank you for your lovely paintings.   They arrived yesterday and I just opened them this morning.  They are even more beautiful than I imagined.  Also, the packaging was superb.  They are exactly what I wanted. "

Why Buy Original art? Some people may ask, "why buy original art when you can buy a nice print". Several reasons, simply put, the original is just far more beautiful. Its also one of a kind. This beauty does not translate as well in the digital world. Another reason is that the original captures the soul of the artist, what the artist is feeling when they are creating the piece can tangibly be felt in an original artwork.

Seeing IS believing and we believe you will absolutely love your art purchase from "Linda Paul Studio". 100% money back guarantee if you are not completely enraptured with original art purchase."