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Welcome to my Colorado Bonsai Page.
This page is a peek into my bonsai journey,  Colorado Bonsai inspirations See all my bonsai concrete slabs and pots for sale

bristlecone pine RMBS 2024
My humble bristlecone pine at the Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society 2024 show. Only one year in training. planted in one of my concrete pots, accent is raw emerald stone 
limber pine bonsa in Linda Pual Pot
My Limber pine in pot I made. RMBS bonsai show 2024 2 years in training
artist Linda Paul bonsai pots
Linda Paul with Bonsai slabs and pots ABS learning seminars Denver 2023
first bonsai pot planted by customer
A customer sent in this picture of what she planted in the very first bonsai pot I made.
customer says “the best bonsai pot I have ever purchased and styled, very classy and strong” Krista, CENTREVILLE, VA

kusamono in old juniper fencepost log
Kusamono planted in old juniper fencepost log from my dad's ranch property. All native Colorado plants. Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society show September 2022 and ABS kusamono show 2023
custom bonsai pot slab rock
Dec 2022 I made this concrete and wire bonsai pot to perfectly match this cool Colorado rock that I found.
bonsai spruce forest in rock
This was my spruce forest I created on a rock for the Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society show 2022  

bristlcone pine in linda's slab
My classically styled bristlecone in a forest pot I made . Spring 2024
bonsai penjing rock by artist Linda Paul
 I made a pot for a fabulous rock that I found in Colorado.
bonsai concrete slab workshop RMBS
May 2022  I held my first ever bonsai concrete slab workshop for Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society members at my studio.

My new bonsai painting was inspired by bonsai master Ryan Neil's and his Sierra Juniper# 8 at Bonsai Mirai.

Here is Ryan Neil's review of the painting. "Linda's interpretation of our work touches on the abstract form in a way other interpretations haven't. We find it inspiring and informative how creative minds further convey the interest of the trees we put our hands on." - Ryan Neil, Bonsai Mirai

Here are some of my favorite bonsai trees from the artists at the 52'nd Rocky Mountain Bonsai Society show at Denver Botanic Garden  September 2021

rocky mountian juiper bonsai
This was my favorite tree of the show. A Rocky Mountain Juniper bonsai by Will Kerns. Truly inspirational and amazing
cascade juniper bonsai
Love this cascade juniper bonsai too
jade bonsai in rock
I am obsessed with the jade bonsai in this volcanic rocks. I will hunt forever for a rock like this
spruce bonsai in rock
Here is my humble contribution to the RMBS bonsai show. I am just a 1 year rookie , so to be in the same company as these bonsai artists was truly inspiring. My dad cut the cherry wood just 2 days before the show as I entered at the last minute.

tam juniper bonsai in rockAugust 2021. This is a Tam juniper bonsai ( bought from Home depot) that I pruned, wired and planted into this rock, covering the roots with moss. Tam junipers are excellent bonsai tree for beginners.  I have done some extreme things to them and have yet to kill one. You can take a cutting of one stick it in the ground and it will grow roots

old bristlecone pine tree
I love this old bristlecone pine in Pikes Forest Colorado. The twists of the trunk are amazing and the natural jins are inspiring. 07/2021
old bristle cone pine
This ancient bristle cone is a great metaphor for life. He is hanging in there through the harshest conditions possible 07/2021
linda paul with bristlecones pine forest
Here I am at the top of The Crags in Pikes Forest. Lots of Limber Pine up here too. 07/2021

bristlecone pine bonsai inspiration
September  2020 Colorado Mountain Inspiration

Went on a trip to southern Colorado to get inspiration and some little trees for bonsai . This very old bristlecone pine at the top of a canyon is great inspiration.  I love metaphor for survival in the harshest conditions
nature's bonsai in rock ponderosa pine
Nature's bonsai inspiration. This adorable ponderosa pine growing right out of this rock. Boulder, CO